Apple (Safari) rescues Adobe (Flash)

2 min readMar 3, 2021

The downfall of Adobe Flash was penned down by Steve Jobs in his open letter Thoughts on Flash. There were lot of heated arguments, since Flash was at it prime then. None of the Flash lovers (including me) could not accept the incapability of Flash in Android. Fast forward few years later, Adobe decided to pull the plug off starting from 2021. So if you are like me who grew up playing tons of Flash games, you will be disappointed to see the below message in

Safari to the rescue

If you are like me who is figuring out a way to play those flash games online, there is an alternate path.

Try with older browser versions

Since browsers control the rendering of Flash content, technically the same content should work in older versions of the browser. Since all the prime browsers auto-updates these days, I tried with Safari which hasn’t been updated for a long long time.

in Opera
in Safari

Hurray! I played the game with the help of Safari. Thanks to Safari, Mac OS, Apple and Steve Jobs ;)

It’s an irony that the company which brought the downfall of Adobe Flash came to my rescue to play Flash game.

😆 😆 😆




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